Beck Electric Supply has been a GE stocking distributor for 30 years. We
are confident that GE's attention to detail, product development, superior
service levels and quality distribution network is second to none.
We have a wide range of GE Circuit Breakers in stock and ready to ship.
Please call our expert sales staff for your Molded Case breaker needs.
If we don't have it on the shelf we will be happy to place a factory
order and have your GE product in a few days.
Q-Line - Residential Circuit Breaker (THQB, THQC, THQL,THQP)
- 1" or ½" breaker
sizes available
- Copper to tabs copper connections with corrosion resisting
tin plated tabs
- Every breaker exceeds UL, NEMA, ANSI, and CSA requirements
- 65oc/75oc conductor rating
- Quick make / quick break box type terminals
- Handle trips to center position, giving a clear indication of tripped
breaker Multi pole circuit breakers incorporate internal common trip
15-50Amp, ½",
THQP, 1 and 2 pole
15-125Amp, 1", THQL, THHQL, TXQL, 1, 2 and 3 pole
125-200Amp, 1", TQDL and THQDL, 2 and 3 pole
Spectra RMS â€" Power Distribution / OEM / Electronic Trip
Spectra RMS Molded Case Circuit Breakers (SE150, SF250, SG600 and SK1200)
have digital, solid state, RMS sensing trip system with field installable
front mounted rating plugs to establish or change the breaker ampere
rating. Adjustable instantaneous with tracking short time is standard
on all frames including SE150. The trip system uses digital sampling
to determine the RMS value of sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal currents.
Molded Case
Solid State Trip System
- Accurate Sensing
- Ambient Insensitive
- Provides Power Management Capabilities Options
- MicroVersaTrip Plus Trip
- MicroVersaTrip PM Trip Unit
Interchangeable rating plugs for
easy de-rating without removing breaker Field installable accessories
SE150 Current Limiting (SED, SEH, SEL, SEP) 15-32Amp, 2 and 3 pole
SE150 Current Limiting (SED, SEH, SEL, SEP) 40-160Amp, 2 and 3 pole
SF250 Current Limiting (SFH, SFL, SFP) 70-250Amp, 2 and 3 pole
Current Limiting (SGH, SGL, SGP) 60-600Amp, 2 and 3 pole
SK1200 (SKH8, SKL8,
SKP8, SKH12, SKL12, SKP12)
800Amp frame 300-800Amps
1250Amp frame 600-1250Amps
Molded Case Circuit Breakers
General Electric Molded Case Circuit Breakers
are being used to provide reliable circuit protection in switchboards,
motor control centers and lighting applications. Downtime is reduced
and fuse replacement is eliminated with circuit breakers. In case of
overload or short circuit, the breaker trips, opening the circuit and
protecting the conductors. When normal conditions are restored, the
breaker can be closed "switched
on" again.
Molded Case
Thermal Magnetic Trip
Proven Reliability
Provide Cost Effective Solutions
Multiple types to fit in your application
E150 Line (TEY, TEB, TED, THED) 10-150Amp, 1, 2 and 3 pole
Line (TFJ, TFK, THFK, TFL) 70-225Amp, 2 and 3 pole
J and K Frame Molded
Case Circuit Breakers
- Featuring Power + 4 Trip Units
- 150-1200Amp,
120/240 to 600Vac
- UL, CSA, NEMA ratings
- "Push to Trip" exercise
mechanism linkages
- Common trip bar prevents single phasing
- Handle
indicates trip condition for rapid restoration of load
- Trip-Free
mechanism ensures complete circuit protection even if handle is held
in "ON" position
- Full line of internal and external accessories
for custom applications
- Reverse feed standard
J600 Line (TJJ, TJK THJK)
400Amp frame 125
to 400Amp
600Amp frame 250 to 600Amp
K1200 Line (TKM8, TKM12, THKM8,
800Amp frame 300 to 800Amp
1200 Amp frame 600 to 1200Amp
Frame (TRL, TRP)
400-1600Amp and 800-2000Amp
Current Limiting Circuit
Breakers - 150, 225, 400 and 600Amp frames
Tri-Break (TB1, TB4, TB6,
15 to 800Amp, 3 pole
3-1200Amp, 2 and 3 pole
Power Breaker II â€" Insulated
Case Circuit Breakers
Power Break II Insulated Case Circuit Breakers
are highly compact, heavy duty breakers that combine ease of use, aesthetics
and state of the art performance in 200Amp through 4000Amp frame sizes,
rated for up to 200,000 Amps RMS symmetrical for 240Vac, in drawout
and stationary versions
Power Breaker I â€" Insulated Case Circuit Breakers
The GE line of Power Break Insulated Case Circuit Breakers offers the
rugged, reliable type of system protection critical for heavy duty
applications. Power Break circuit breakers are rated up to 200,000
Amp RMS symmetrical interrupting capacity without fuses or current
limiters. The Power Break design consists of five physical envelope
sizes, providing protection from 100Amp to 4000Amps. Available in drawout
or stationary versions. |