Beck Goes Green
The primary focus of business at our Richmond California facility is the sale of wholesale electrical supplies and the repair/testing of electric motors and generators. Our electric motor shop in particular consumes a great deal of electricity and it seems each month our PG&E bill continues to grow. As a result, we decided to make an investment in the environment by installing a photovoltaic solar system. Our new system will spare the air nearly 64 tons of harmful greenhouse gases annually and at the same time help our bottom line.
Solar Energy SystemIn October of 2007 (1 year prior to the installation of the 1st solar panel) we began researching solar companies who we felt comfortable working with and could educate us on the benefits of this alternative energy source. |
After hearing proposals from several different solar companies we gave the nod to a local company from Novato, CA called SolarCraft. The panel they felt would be best for our application is manufactured by a well known company in solar circles called Sunpower. The 272 ea. 3' x 5' panels that make up our 83 KW system were ordered in May of 2008 and the project began in late September. Over the next 2 months SolarCraft proceeded to install the racking systems, mount the panels, complete the wiring array, installed AC & DC disconnects and the inverter. We're definitely not spinning our PG&E meter backwards, but with a 7 year proposed payoff and fantastic rebates from PG&E we felt the timing was right to begin doing our part.
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Fluorescent Lighting System
Over the past 2 years we have completed the conversion of the lighting in our warehouses. The old inefficient high bay HID lights have been exchanged for 50 ea. efficient fluorescent fixtures with high output T5 and T8 lamps. Not only was this a relatively easy project to complete, but the energy saving is astounding and the lighting quality far exceeded our expectations.
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Recycling Program
Just recently we embarked on a new recycling program in our offices. We have signed up with a company called Northern California Paper Recyclers who have provided our offices with small paper collection containers that are emptied weekly by our janitors into a large collection receptacle outdoors. Approximately once each month NCPR stops by our offices and empties the large receptacle for recycling at their facility. The monthly fee is minimal, helps our overflowing landfills and prolongs the expensive dumping of our trash compactor.
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